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JPY 14,800 per Adult ~ (Incl. tax)
Recommended Tourism Information
Udatsu Townscape
"Udatsu" is a firewall built on the second floor of a building to prevent fire from spreading to neighboring houses and this area is commonly known as "udatsu-no-machinami" ( udatsu townscape) because of the large number of udatsu at both ends of the townhouses. Udatsu were originally built for fire prevention, but since it cost a lot of money to install them, they became more decorative and gradually became a symbol of wealth and success. This street is ideal for strolling the town with its restaurants and general stores.
Mt. Tsurugi
This has been chosen as one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan. At 1,955 meters above sea level, it is the second highest mountain in western Japan and you can take the mountain lift up to near the top. After about an hour's walk from the lift, you will arrive at the summit, where the observation deck offers a wonderful panoramic view. On a clear day, you can see Mt. Ishizuchi, which rises at the western edge of the Shikoku mountain range, as well as the Seto Inland Sea and Tosa Bay in the distance.
Handa Somen Noodles
These special noodles can be produced thanks to a combination of the excellent climate of Handa, Tsurugi Town; the clear waters of the Yoshinogawa River; and high-quality wheat. These noodles are thick and have a firm texture. Handa Somen can be easily found at supermarkets and is recommended as a souvenir of your trip to Tokushima.

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