• Tokushima (City Center)・Naruto

Puppet Theater at the Awa Jurobe Yashiki

This is the site of the former Edo period residence of Bando Jurobe, the model/main character of the puppet play "Keisei Awa no Naruto". Awa Ningyo Joruri puppet theater, a nationally important intangible folk cultural asset, is performed here daily. The highlights of the performance include the shamisen (a three-stringed instrument) with its diverse tones and the emotional movements of the puppets. Visitors can enjoy a taste of the rich, traditional performing arts that flourished in Tokushima during the Edo period thanks to the prefecture's indigo industry.


  • 1

    Performance: Keisei Awa no Naruto

    This is the story of a family tragedy based on Bando Jurobe, who was sacrificed and executed in 1698 for a crime he didn't commit. The Awa Jurobe Yashiki is the site of Bando Jurobe's former residence.

  • 2

    Display Room

    Visitors can learn about the wooden "Awa deko" dolls and puppet costumes on display through detailed explanations and hands-on puppeteering activities. Unique displays such as educational kits for children created with a 3D printer can also be found.

  • 3

    Turtle and Crane Garden (Tsuru Kame no Niwa)

    At the back of the residence, there is a pond garden that was created in the Edo period. The beautifully arranged bluestones and black pines resemble a male and female crane and turtle, giving the garden the name of "Tsuru Kame no Niwa (Turtle and Crane Garden)" . Turtles and cranes are a symbol for longevity in Japan, so this garden is also a popular photo spot for good luck.


Bus Stop

There is a bus stop in front of the gate, with buses stopping right by the entrance, making it easy to visit to matter the weather. Since it is a loop bus, you can also take a bus that is going in the opposite direction.

Water Taxi

On the west side of Parking Lot 2, there is a water taxi stand by the riverside. We recommend renting a bicycle for the way there and taking a water taxi on the way back to enjoy the view from the river. (Advance reservations are required.)

Joruri Souvenir Shop

Original Ningyo Joruri goods and Tokushima specialties are for sale. Admission is free if you are only visiting the shop.

Rural Community Stages (Noson Butai)

The Ningyo Joruri that is performed daily here uses an indoor stage that is based on old, rural community stages that were constructed outdoors.

For those who wish to see an original stage that is surrounded by nature, please check the website for information on performances at the rural community stages in Tokushima Prefecture.


  • Address

    184 Miyajima Honura, Kawauchi-cho, Tokushima City

  • Parking

    Paid Parking

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